Tuesday, September 12, 2006

In case you haven't heard, today the original Star Wars trilogy is coming out on DVD again, this time the original, un-special editions. This is being accompanied by the usual wave of bitching by "fans" about how George Lucas is a moneygrubber, how he's "making" us shell out for the movies again two years after their original DVD release. This, of course, is followed by the parrot-like cries of "doesn't George Lucas have enough money?"

Well, pardon me for not toeing the geek party-line here. Hey, fanboys, you know why he keeps rereleasing this stuff? Because, as much as you bitch that your childhood was raped, you KEEP FUCKING SHELLING OUT. If you think he has enough money, why do you give him more of it?

I skipped the first release of the original trilogy for three reasons. One, I didn't like some of the changes made to the movies. Two, the special features didn't include deleted scenes. Three, following from one and two, I knew that there would be future releases. Lo and behold, here they are. But I'm not buying these ones either, for two reasons. One, the non-special editions are not remastered or cleaned up; they're just ported from the 1992 laserdisc release, with matte lines and miscolored lightsabers intact. Two, LFL has already discussed their plans for HD-DVD releases for all six films, so I'll wait for that.

Fine, George has raped your childhood. Your childhood was asking for it.

Copyright 2004 Rich Bowen

Hey, what's wrong with parrot-like cries?

I won't be getting these versions either, but I do enjoy my special edition versions (VHS) as well as the orig. versions (on dvds;). It's generally nice to see things cleaned up and enhanced (like time pilot and Scramble enhanced versions) but most importantly have the choice of which one to watch.

But Jabba from ep. 4 is still a little much...
All you guys' fighting is what's making me cry
My childhood should be allowed to wear short skirts if it wants!
That I'm actually in favor of.
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